Backward Error Recovery in Redundant
Disk Arrays
Appears in Proc. of the 1994 Computer Measurement Group (CMG) Conference,
Dec. 1994, Vol. 1, pp. 63-74.
William V. Courtright II*, Garth A. Gibson
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
School of Computer Science
Parallel Data Lab
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213
Redundant disk arrays are single fault tolerant, incorporating a layer
of error handling not found in nonredundant disk systems. Recovery from
these errors is complex, due in part to the large number of erroneous
states the system may reach. The established approach to error recovery
in disk systems is to transition directly from an erroneous state to completion.
This technique, known as forward error recovery, relies upon the context
in which an error occurs to determine the steps required to reach completion,
which implies forward error recovery is design specific. Forward error
recovery requires the enumeration of all erroneous states the system may
reach and the construction of a forward path from each erroneous state.
We propose a method of error recovery which does not rely upon the enumeration
of erroneous states or the context in which errors occur. When an error
is encountered, we advocate mechanized recovery to an error-free state
from which an operation may be retried. Using a form of backward error
recovery, we are able to manage the complexity of error recovery in redundant
disk arrays without sacrificing performance.
Table of Contents
Through the use of redundancy, disk arrays can be made single fault tolerant.
Disk arrays which provide single fault tolerance, categorized by a taxonomy
known as RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks) in 1988 and summarized
in Figure 1, have become a important
class of storage devices [Patterson88]. As such, many companies are now
engaged in the design of RAID systems. While many of these companies possess
a tremendous amount of experience developing nonredundant disk systems,
RAID systems introduce a new design challenge: isolating, at the level
of the redundant disk array control, the effects of single faults, thereby
transparently handling a large class of errors. Figure 2
shows the structure of a redundant disk array control system. This new
error recovery task is made particularly difficult since an important
feature of disk arrays is high concurrency, making the number of erroneous
states which the system may reach uncountable.
The traditional approach to recovering from errors in RAID systems
has been to transition directly from an erroneous state to a completion
state. This approach, known as forward error recovery, relies upon the
enumeration of each erroneous state the system may reach. Since this
is a large number, the task of guaranteeing correct error recovery while
maintaining high concurrency can quickly become overwhelming.
Another approach, backward error recovery, eliminates the complexity
associated with identifying all erroneous states and transitions from
them. This is accomplished by saving the state of the system prior to
each operation and then restoring this state if an operation fails.
Once restoration is complete, the system is free from error and processing
resumes. Unfortunately, systems employing backward error recovery can
expect degraded performance due to the cost associated with saving the
state of the system prior to each operation. In some cases, such as
write operations, the amount of work required to save state information
is comparable to the requested work, leading to a large degradation
in performance.
We propose a method of error recovery based upon backward error recovery,
but do not degrade performance by saving additional state information
during normal processing. When an error is encountered, recovery is
performed to a convenient error-free state, not necessarily the same
state the system was in at the beginning of the operation. Once the
system is in an error-free state, operation resumes and the operation
which encountered the error is retried. This approach eliminates the
complexity of transitioning from an erroneous state to a completion
state. Furthermore, because we do not require recovery to a previously
existing state, we do not incur performance degradation normally associated
with backward error recovery.
The remainder of this paper demonstrates the problem of error recovery
in redundant disk arrays, current solutions and their shortcomings,
and concludes with our approach to this problem. Section 2
discusses the motivations for our interest in this problem. These include
a description of the complexity of error recovery in redundant disk
arrays, the shortcomings of the current approach to error recovery,
and the benefits of pursuing a better approach. In Section 3,
we examine other approaches to error recovery and their weaknesses.
Section 4 presents our approach to
error recovery, which manages complexity and enables exploration of
the disk array design space without degrading performance overhead during
normal processing. Finally, in Section 5,
we conclude with a summary of the benefits of our approach and a brief
review of work in progress to demonstrate this approach as valid.
Disk arrays are a well established method of using parallelism to reduce
response time in disk storage systems [Kim86, Salem86, Katz89, Reddy89].
Response time is the total amount of time required to service a
request made to a disk system and is composed of three components: queueing
time, the time a request spends in a queue waiting to begin execution;
positioning time, the time required to position the disk head to
useful data; and transfer time, the time required to transfer data
to or from the disk. Queueing time is reduced when multiple requests are
serviced concurrently and transfer time is reduced by transferring data
from disks in parallel.
Simple disk systems are not fault tolerant; a single fault
can lead to data loss. The accepted failure model of such nonredundant
disk systems requires only error detection, the recognition of
the presence of an error [Lampson79]. This is acceptable since applications
which require fault tolerance implement schemes to survive data loss
at the application level of the system in the following way. After the
detection of an error, the disk system notifies a client who is responsible
for: damage confinement and assessment, the understanding
and limitation of the effects of the detected error; error recovery,
the removal of the effects of the detected error from the system; and
fault treatment, isolating the fault which caused the detected
error and removing it from the system.(1)
Disk systems, particularly when configured as arrays, may be composed
of large numbers of disks. As the number of disks in the array increases,
reliability, the probability that the disk array will function
correctly, and availability, the probability that the disk array
is able to service requests, may decrease to unacceptable levels since
data loss occurs on the first failure [Gibson93]. This problem may be
further aggravated because, as Patterson, Gibson, and Katz suggest,
commodity disks may be employed in order to reduce the cost of storage
in the array [Patterson88].
Because reliability and availability are critical characteristics
of storage systems, disk arrays are usually designed to be single fault
tolerant. This is accomplished by storing redundant data in the disk
array [Gibson89, Gibson92]. Instead of propagating errors resulting
from a disk failure to a client to handle, the redundant disk array
now performs recovery from these errors, hiding their effects from clients
and providing continuous service throughout the life of the fault.
Redundant disk arrays are required to provide service from two distinct
operating states: normal and degraded. The array exists in a normal
operating state when no faults are present. Because redundant disk
arrays are single fault tolerant, they are also expected to provide service
in a degraded operating state which exists when a single fault,
in our case a disk failure,(2) is present
in the system. When two or more faults exist, the array may be in a failed
operating state in which data is lost and service discontinued.
When an error is encountered, the system enters an erroneous state,
meaning that the physical array state, "containing a failed disk",
is inconsistent with the state of the system as perceived by operations
initiated prior to the error. Recovery from errors requires the array
to be restored to a consistent state, a state free from error,
and the successful completion of operation(s) in-flight at the time
of the error.
The process of error recovery in redundant disk arrays is complex
for several reasons: many operations may be executed concurrently, operations
may be initiated and complete in different operating states, the array
may reach a large number of erroneous states, and recovery of errors
due to single faults must be transparent to client requestors.
First, disk arrays increase performance by executing many operations
concurrently, requiring careful synchronization of shared resources.
Errors require operations to alter their usage, and hence synchronization,
of shared resources in order to complete. As concurrency increases,
the complexity of synchronization escalates.
Second, operations in-flight when an error occurs are initiated in
the normal operating state and should complete in the degraded operating
state. As Figure 3 illustrates, the
work and resources required to complete an operation in the normal state
varies greatly from the degraded state. Because of this, recovery must
dynamically change the operation's algorithm. It is this problem which
makes error recovery in redundant disk arrays particularly difficult.
Third, the number of erroneous states which a redundant disk array
operation can encounter, and be required to recover from, is large.
This is because operations in redundant disk arrays perform more work
than operations in simpler disk systems. Figure 4
demonstrates that the added disk work required to complete a small-write
in a RAID level 5 disk array alone creates twenty potential erroneous
states. Allowing multiple concurrent operations multiplies the number
of erroneous states the array may encounter.
Finally, redundant disk arrays often guarantee continuous service,
meaning that service is provided without interruption throughout the
life of a fault. This requires that all error recovery and fault treatment
be performed transparently while the array continues to accept and complete
operations from client applications, filesystems, or databases.
The traditional approach to error recovery in disk systems, forward
recovery, attempts to remove an error by applying selective corrections
to the erroneous state, simultaneously moving operations forward to completion
and bringing the system to a consistent state [Anderson81]. Construction
of these corrective actions requires detailed foreknowledge of the errors
which may occur and the damage that they cause. This requires enumeration
of all erroneous states the system may reach.
A significant drawback of this type of recovery is that the context
of an error, information describing the specific type of activity which
failed, is required in order to determine the appropriate set of corrective
actions to take. This is because the effects of an error are a function
of the context in which it was detected. For instance, in a RAID level
5 array, each disk contains an equal fraction of the data and redundancy
information stored in the array. When a disk becomes inaccessible, some
operations will not require its data (their parity and data are stored
on other disks), some operations will experience loss of data, while
others will experience loss of parity.
Figure 5 illustrates forward recovery
of a write operation to a RAID level 5 disk array in which an error
has occurred, preventing a small-write operation from reading old data.
The array must detect the presence of an error during a disk access,
recognize the context of the error as "during read of old data
in a small-write operation having read old parity already," move
the array to a consistent operating state, and successfully complete
the operation. These actions must all be executed with the system in
an erroneous state.
Unfortunately, as already shown, error recovery in redundant disk
arrays is required to cope with an unmanageable number of erroneous
states. One way to simplify the task of forward error recovery is to
reduce the number of erroneous states the array may reach. This involves
reducing the amount of concurrency in the array, leading to the undesirable
result of diminished performance. For instance, one such reduction would
be to increase the number of ordering constraints given in Figure 4.
The number of states could easily be reduced by forcing data to be written
to disk before parity is read and written. Doing this eliminates the
ability of the array to perform these in parallel, reducing concurrency
and adversely affecting performance.
Another method of simplification is based on recognizing that errors
that have identical recoveries can be grouped and handled by a single
error recovery. This has the advantage of reducing the number of distinct
corrective procedures which must be constructed; however, the task of
identifying all erroneous states remains. For example, errors which
a disk may present to array software include: head crash, seek error,
and electronics failure. All of these errors can be handled in the same
fashion by declaring the disk as "failed" and moving the array
to a degraded operating state.
Forward error recovery must be designed specifically for each system.
This is a result of the dependence upon knowledge of the context in
which an error occurs [Randell78]. Because of this, once a design is
created, it can be very difficult to make changes to the design, particularly
when new error types are introduced or when existing error types are
altered. This property limits the scope of modifications to an existing
code base, thereby restricting a designer's ability to explore the design
space, confining experimentation to limited departures from the current
code structure.
Finally, researchers are investigating more aggressive redundant disk
array architectures to boost performance [Bhide92, Blaum94, Cao93, Menon93,
Stodolsky93, Holland94]. The acceptance of these proposals is put at
risk due to their further increases in the complexity of error handling
and the difficulty of modifying existing code structure.
Forward error recovery has been used with arguable success in the
design of single disk systems and filesystems. Single disk systems are
not fault tolerant and do not execute operations concurrently; hence,
error recovery is relatively simple. Operations in a filesystem are
complex and are executed concurrently; however, since filesystems are
not fault-tolerant, errors which result in a data loss are acceptable.
For instance, when the BSD 4.3 UNIX operating system unexpectedly loses
access to a disk, data may be lost [Leffler90].
The demand for redundant disk arrays is growing steadily. The value of
RAID systems shipped to customers is expected to be $5.0 billion in 1994,
reaching $13.0 billion annually by 1997. This compares to the total volume
of rigid disks sold, estimated to be $23.7 billion for 1994. Vendors of
RAID equipment are under constant pressure to improve performance and
decrease development time. The difficulty of handling errors due to disk
failures, introduced by the requirement of single fault tolerance, is
a limiting factor in the ability of these companies to innovate. Any technology
which alleviates this limitation will be both welcomed and encouraged.
Our analysis of error recovery in redundant disk arrays suggests that
such an opportunity exists.
Before continuing, we briefly summarize the problems we have observed
and their symptoms. First, redundant disk arrays must provide transparent
recovery from errors due to single disk failures. This error recovery
is inherently complex and difficult to manage, meaning that implementation
is difficult. Second, forward error recovery, the traditional approach
to error recovery in nonredundant disk systems, does not scale as complexity
is increased, leaving implementors unable to produce more aggressive redundant
disk array architectures. Third, the number of erroneous states the system
may reach can be decreased by restricting concurrency (adversely affecting
performance). Fourth, forward error recovery measures are system specific,
limiting the ability to modify existing code and explore the design space.
Redundant disk arrays will always be required to recover from errors
due to single disk failures; it is, by definition, what they are designed
to do. What we can do is look for a way of making recovery from these
errors less painful. To do this, a context-free method of managing complex
error recovery which does not degrade performance is needed.
Backward error recovery removes errors from a system by moving
the system to a consistent state which existed prior to the introduction
of the error. The point of operation that the system attempts to reach
during recovery is known as a recovery point. A recovery point
is established by storing recovery data, information which describes
the state of the system, as a part of normal processing. When an error
is detected, the system is returned to the recovery point by reinstating
the recovery data [Randell78, Stone89]. Previously completed work which
is undone as a result of moving backward to a recovery point must be redone.
Backward error recovery does not rely upon the type of error or the
error's context in removing the error from the system. Thus, context-free
error recovery is possible. Also, backward error recovery does not require
enumeration of all the erroneous states. This means that backward error
recovery is applicable to complex error recovery tasks. Finally, because
the error recovery process consists of saving and restoring state, independent
of the error context, backward error recovery can be mechanized.
Unfortunately, backward error recovery can be expensive in terms of
performance and resource usage, particularly when atomicity,
the property that operations either complete successfully or leave the
system unchanged, is required. Operations composed of actions which
guarantee atomicity have particularly simple error recovery. By recovering
to the state which existed prior to an operation, backward error recovery
techniques achieve atomicity. As the amount of recovery data or the
frequency recovery points are established grows, the overhead required
to save recovery data increases. This has a direct impact on performance
since recovery data is saved as a part of normal processing.
Finally, as Randell points out, backward error recovery in systems
characterized by communicating processes can lead to disastrous results
[Randell75]. The problem, known as the domino effect, occurs
when communication has taken place between the recovery point and the
point in which an error is detected. When recovery is performed, the
effects of the communication are undone, requiring recovery of the other
processes involved in the communication. An illustration of this problem,
taken from [Stone89], is presented as Figure 6.
Techniques such as conversations, which synchronize communicating
processes, are known methods of avoiding the domino effect [Randell75].
A variety of backward error recovery techniques exist, all of which
introduce varying degrees of overhead. These techniques fall into three
broad classes: checkpointing, recursive caches, and audit trails [Anderson81].
We now examine the applicability of techniques from each of these classes
to the domain of redundant disk arrays.
Systems employing checkpointing establish a recovery point, known
as a checkpoint, by saving a subset of the system state, known
as checkpoint data [Chandy72, Siewiorek93]. Erroneous state
information is removed by returning the system to a checkpoint which is
assumed to be free from error. The process of returning to a checkpoint,
referred to as rollback, requires the checkpoint data associated
with the checkpoint to be reinstated. By returning to a checkpoint, all
work performed since the checkpoint is lost and must be performed again.
The overhead of checkpointing depends upon the size of the checkpoint
and the frequency of their establishment. The simplest and least effective
way to checkpoint a system would be to save the entire state of the
system at the start of each process. A more efficient alternative is
to save only a subset of the system state. For instance, a technique
commonly known as consistent checkpointing creates process
checkpoints, which are checkpoints of the state of a process [Chandy85].
Collectively, these process checkpoints compose a checkpoint of the
One solution to the problem of large amounts of recovery data is the recursive
cache, also known as a recovery cache [Horning74]. By monitoring
actions which modify the system state, specific state information is saved
in a recursive cache, prior to modification. State information is only
recorded prior to initial changes from the most recent recovery point,
making recursive cache techniques efficient in the sense that the amount
of state information in the cache is minimal. Error recovery is performed
by restoring the contents of the recursive cache, effectively removing
modifications of state and restoring the system to the recovery point.
Again, as records are restored, all work which occurred since their entry
is lost.
Horning, Lauer, Melliar-Smith, and Randell suggest the use of a recursive
cache to implement a recovery block, a set of alternate operations,
each of which accomplishes the same goal, but through different methods.
An acceptance test is used to verify correct outcome. When an
alternate fails, state is restored from the recovery cache and another
alternate is attempted.
A principal difficulty with the recursive cache is the ability to
know what state changes an operation will effect upon the system in
order that the appropriate information may be entered into the cache.
Even with this knowledge, overhead is still introduced when saving recovery
Finally, audit trail, also known as logging or journaling,
techniques provide the ability to record a subset of the system state
but, unlike recovery cache techniques, do not require foreknowledge of
the state which will be changed by an operation [Bjork75, Verhofstad78,
Gray81]. Instead, all changes to the system state are recorded in stable
storage. Recovery is performed by applying the inversion of these records
in LIFO fashion, thereby removing state changes. As inverted records are
applied, work is undone. Once the system is in a consistent state, some
records may be applied in FIFO fashion to restore previously completed
work. The System R database recovery manager implements such an approach
Backward error recovery is well suited for systems in which error recovery
is complex. Atomicity is more easily achieved and error recovery is context
free. Code modification and enhancement are also simplified. Unfortunately,
backward error recovery introduces overhead which degrades normal (error-free)
performance. In addition, the process of recovery can remove the effects
of previously completed work, therefore requiring a method of reinstating
these effects. Furthermore, communicating processes must take special
precautions to avoid the domino effect.
Our approach to error recovery is to pursue the advantages of backward
error recovery without introducing overhead or effecting previously completed
work. It is based upon two assumptions: operations do not guarantee atomicity
and operations do not directly communicate with one another.
In the remainder of this section, we examine the details of this approach.
We begin by discussing our assumptions. Next, we present our approach
for error recovery followed by a description of the error recovery mechanism.
We then examine the overhead of this approach and conclude with a discussion
of our ability to verify consistent operation of the system.
First, we assume that filesystems or databases do not expect storage systems
to guarantee operational atomicity. We believe this to be reasonable because
all storage systems available today can fail and expose partially complete
operations. Given freedom from atomicity, we can recover to a convenient
consistent state, other than the one which existed prior to the execution
of the operation to be recovered and much less expensive to reach.
Second, in our experience, operations in a disk system are independent,
only communicating by competing for shared resources. This absence of
communication allows us to confine error recovery to the operation which
encountered the error, reducing the amount of work undone as a result
of backward error recovery. Furthermore, we do not require a method
to restore completed operations because only the failing operation is
recovered and it is not complete.
The goal of the error recovery process is twofold: restore the system
to a consistent state and successfully complete operations which encountered
an error. Our approach is to use backward error recovery to remove the
effects of an error, then move the system to a convenient consistent state
and complete recovering operations based on the new operating state. We
believe this to be the proper approach for two fundamental reasons. First,
by always beginning operations from a consistent state, we greatly reduce
the number of paths from starting state to completion state which must
be constructed. Second, the error case should not be optimized if it makes
normal execution more complex. When an error occurs, consistent operation
is more important than minor optimizations. We firmly believe this to
be the proper philosophy in highly-concurrent systems such as redundant
disk arrays in which error recovery is a complex task which occurs infrequently.
When an error is encountered, our approach requires the following
steps be taken:
- suspend initiation of new operations
- allow operations already initiated to either complete or reach an
- release the resources acquired by operations which encountered an
- reconfigure the system
- using a new strategy, restart operations which encountered an error
- resume initiation of new operations
In order to transition the system to a consistent state, global state
will need to be modified. This is easiest when the system is quiescent.
To quiesce the system, incoming operations are queued and operations in
the middle of execution are allowed to either complete successfully or
execute until an error is encountered. Operations which encounter an error
must release all resources which they have acquired. These operations
are neither complete nor failed at this point, but are simply suspended
until a consistent operating state has been established.
When the system has reached quiescence, the current operating state
can be reconciled with the physical state of the system. Once this is
done, operations which encountered an error are restarted using a new
strategy, appropriate for the current operation state. It is important
to understand that the status of these operations during error recovery
remains "execution in progress." The initiation of new operations
is also resumed at this time.
Finally, it is important to note that some disk systems allow clients
to specify the relative ordering of operations [ANSI91]. For example,
some filesystems rely upon the ordering of writes to prevent filesystem
corruption [Leffler90]. This ordering must be preserved throughout error
recovery process.
The recovery mechanism we present here allows operations to be executed
to increase performance during normal operation. Performance is increased
by allowing maximal concurrency of actions within an operation and not
introducing overhead by saving recovery data. Also, exploration of the
design space is enabled by representing operations as a partially-ordered
set of actions. We begin the discussion of our mechanism by describing
this representation.
To achieve high concurrency during normal operation, we observe that
operations perform a specified transformation of state and can be implemented
as a partially-ordered set of actions which collectively perform this
transformation. An antecedence graph, a directed acyclic graph
in which the ordering of actions composing an operation is specified,
is a natural way to represent an operation, exposes inherent ordering
dependencies, and allows maximal concurrency to be achieved. Figure
7 illustrates such a graph for a RAID
level 5 small-write operation.
A library of antecedence graphs is constructed from a pre-defined
set of actions, such as those found in Table 1.
When an operation is initiated in the array, a graph which specifies
the work required to complete the operation is selected from this library.
The criteria for graph selection includes the type of operation requested
and the current operating state. Execution of the graph is dataflow-like,
with actions executing when their antecedents have completed. By requiring
that all actions return a pass/fail status, the task of satisfying these
ordering dependencies becomes straightforward. Obviously, a large variety
of graphs can be constructed from a small collection of actions. Because
of this, designers are free to experiment with a variety of strategies
by simply constructing new graphs and adding them to the library.
Table 1: Actions Required to Implement RAID Operations
DO Description UNDO Description
Action Action
RD read from disk NOP no operation
WR write to disk NOP no operation
MEMA allocate memory MEMD deallocate mem.
MEMD deallocate mem. NOP no operation
XOR exclusive-or NOP no operation
LOCKA acquire lock LOCKR release lock
LOCKR release lock NOP no operation
Recall from Figure 5 that operations
which detect an error are required to alter their strategy to reach completion.
Therefore, the antecedence graph currently being executed must be terminated
and replaced with a different graph when an error is detected. To do this,
forward execution of the current antecedence graph for this operation
must be suspended and the resources which it has acquired must be released.
This is easily accomplished by allowing actions which have already begun
execution to complete and suspending dispatch of further actions in the
graph. Once the in-flight actions have completed, we work backward through
the graph, releasing resources which were acquired as a part of forward
execution. This processes is illustrated in Figure 8
in which a RAID level 5 small-write operation has encountered an error
while attempting to write new data to the array.
To simplify the process of releasing resources we define for every
action a corresponding action which releases resources which were acquired.
We call these two actions DO and UNDO, respectively. Forward motion
through an antecedence graph executes DO actions while backward motion
executes UNDO actions. Table 1 summarizes
the actions required for implementations of RAID levels discussed in
Figure 1.
Error handlers are constructed for each error status that an action
might return. For example, a read of a disk (RD in Table 1)
could fail due to parity errors, medium failure, or timeout. How these
errors are handled is arbitrary as long as they are handled correctly.
For example, errors which result from the inaccessibility of a disk
which is assumed to be good are obligated to change the array's state
information to so that disk is viewed as "inaccessible." By
doing this, subsequent operations will not attempt to read the inaccessible
Once error handlers have restored the system to a consistent operating
state, new graphs are selected for operations which encountered errors
and are submitted for execution. These graphs implement different strategies
to complete their associated operations, based upon the new operating
state. Also, the process of initiating new operations resumes.
As discussed in Section 3, backward error
recovery introduces overhead in two ways: resources are required to hold
recovery data and work is required to save recovery data during normal
processing. Our approach does not introduce overhead since no additional
state information is saved as a part of normal processing. The state information
we must restore, resources which have been acquired, is already known.
The method used to release these resources is determined via a table-lookup
during error recovery.
Additionally, since operations do not communicate, our unit of recovery
is an operation and we avoid the domino effect. We are not required
to undo previously completed operations. Therefore, a log of completed
work does not need to be maintained.
Finally, unlike forward error recovery, we do not embed code throughout
the forward execution path to identify the state of the system at the
completion of each action; rather, we simply assess each action as pass/fail
and then continue forward or backward.
By specifying an operation, its antecedence graph, and the actions in
the graph, we can reason about the correctness of an operation. This is
accomplished by showing a correspondence between the specification of
an operation and its implementation which is represented as the antecedence
Consistent operation of a redundant disk array requires that invariants,
specified relationships between a data object and the redundancy object
associated with it, be maintained. Guaranteeing that invariants are
maintained is trivial for a nondestructive operation, such as a read,
which alters neither data nor redundancy. Destructive operations, such
as write, are obligated to modify both data and redundancy. When a write
operation completes, these modifications must satisfy invariants between
data and parity.
When a failure occurs during a write operation in a redundant disk
array, either data or redundancy will be inaccessible. The surviving
data or redundancy object will be in an indeterminate, but accessible,
state since the error may have occurred either before or after its update
was performed. Consistent recovery, therefore, requires the ability
to overwrite an indeterminate object, making it correct. This
process of resolving determinacy is a key component of the alternative
operation strategies of a retry.
Our approach to the handling of errors in redundant disk arrays is based
upon retry, rather than continuation, of operations which encounter an
error. To simplify our approach, we make two assumptions regarding operations:
they do not guarantee atomicity and they do not communicate. From these
assumptions, we are able to construct an error recovery mechanism which
does not introduce overhead during normal processing.
When an error is encountered, we quiesce the system, reconfigure to
achieve a consistent state, and retry operations which encountered an
Operations are represented as antecedence graphs, allowing clear reasoning
about the ordering of actions which compose an operation and the exploit
of concurrency. New types of antecedence graphs are easily created and
integrated into the system, greatly simplifying the task of exploring
new implementation strategies.
Finally, by specifying state transformations of operations, antecedence
graphs, and actions, we can demonstrate correctness, either formally
or informally.
By making the handling of errors independent of the context in which they
occur, we allow code modules to be more easily modified. This makes exploration
of the design space easier, allowing designers of redundant disk arrays
to spend more time formulating an approach and less time implementing
By simplifying the design process, we enable production of more aggressive
RAID algorithms which, in today's environment, are arguably too complex.
By using antecedence graphs as an execution model for an operation,
we expose the inherent ordering of actions which compose an operation.
This simplifies the scheduling of these actions, making concurrency
easier to implement.
Finally, by structuring our design and error handling process, we
enable verification of the correctness of our design. From specifications
of operations and error handlers, correctness can be argued either formally
or informally.
Work is in progress to verify our approach. We are concentrating on three
efforts to validate correctness, performance, and complexity reduction.
First, we are specifying RAID in general and a left-symmetric implementation
of RAID level 5 in particular. This will allow us to argue correctness.
Second, we are implementing a left-symmetric RAID level 5 driver to verify
performance and correct operation. Finally, we will modify this driver,
employing more aggressive algorithms, to demonstrate code reusability,
the ability to implement more aggressive RAID technology, and the ability
to explore the design space by simply composing new operations from an
existing set of actions.
We thank Mark Holland and Daniel Stodolsky for enlightening discussions
which provided valuable insights into this work. Also, Daniel Stodolsky
provided careful proofreading and correcting of early drafts of this paper.
Finally, we thank Jeannette Wing for her many hours of patient listening
and instruction regarding the applicability of formal specification to
the problem redundant disk array design.
[Anderson79] T. Anderson and B. Randell, Computing Systems Reliability,
Cambridge University Press, 1979.
[ANSI91] Small Computer System Interface - 2 (SCSI-2), American
National Standard for Information systems, X3T9.2/86-109, Revision 10h,
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On-line References
If you'd like to research some of the papers referred to in this paper,
you may want to look at one of these on-line sites:
PDL Publications
Carnegie Mellon Computer
Science Technical Reports
Carnegie Mellon On-Line
Carnegie Mellon On-Line
Technical Reports
- (1)
- The definitions presented here are consistent with those of the
IEEE Technical Committee on Fault Tolerant Computing [Melliar-Smith77,
Anderson82, Lee82].
- (2)
- Other faults, such as loss of power, mechanical failure of cabling,
can be converted into independent single faults in "orthogonal"
redundant disk arrays [Gibson93].
This research is supported in part by the National Science Foundation
under grant number ECD-8907068 and an AT&T fellowship.
Last updated
11 November, 2004